あおいです!今日はお昼休みに友だちとテニスをしてきました🎾 実はわたし、学生の頃はテニス部だったんです!久しぶりにやったけど、やっぱり楽しいですね〜😊 まだまだ暑いけど、すごくリフレッシュできました✨ これから友だちと打ち上げに行ってきます笑 みんなも素敵な一日を過ごしてね💕 みんなは最近、何か運動してる?✨
Hi, it’s Aoi! Today, I played tennis with my friends during lunch break 🎾. Believe it or not, I was actually in the tennis club back in school! It was so much fun, even though it’s still pretty hot out 😊. It felt really refreshing to get some exercise ✨. Now, I’m heading out with my friends to celebrate a bit, hehe 😆. I hope you all have a wonderful day too 💕! Have you been doing any sports lately? ✨