
あおいです!今日は友達のみっちゃんとランチに来てます🍴急に写真を撮られて、びっくり顔しちゃった💦 女子トークが止まらなくて、気づけば3時間もカフェにいました笑 ほんと、時間があっという間に過ぎちゃったの✨ みっちゃんの写真も後でアップするね!彼女もめっちゃ可愛いから、楽しみにしてて💕

Hi, it’s Aoi! Today I went out for lunch with my friend Micchan 🍴 She suddenly took a photo of me, and I made a surprised face 💦 We got so caught up in girl talk that we ended up spending 3 hours at the café without even noticing, haha! Time really flew by✨ I’ll upload a picture of Micchan later! She’s super cute, so look forward to it💕 Have you been to any fun cafés lately? Let me know in the comments🌸


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