おはようございます🌸 あおいです!
今日は仕事の合間に図書館でIT関連の調べ物をしています📚 ITの言葉って本当に難しいですね💦 でも、もっと知識を増やすために、しっかり勉強頑張ります!みんなにもっと色々なことをシェアできるようにしたいからね✨
Have a wonderful day!
Good morning! 🌸 It’s Aoi!
Today, I’m doing some IT-related research at the library during a break from work 📚. IT terminology is really tough, isn’t it? 💦 But I’m determined to study hard and learn more! I want to be able to share more interesting things with you all✨.
It seems a typhoon is approaching, so I’m planning to head home early today. Please take care if you’re going out 🌬.
Have a wonderful day!